5 Tips to Prepare Your Children for School Sports

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5 Tips to Prepare Your Children for School Sports

Have any children involved in school sports? Sports are a great way to help kids stay healthy, make new friends, and teach them about teamwork. If they aren’t properly prepared for the sport, though, they can get injured. Here are five tips to help get them ready for any sport they may want to play this year!

  1. Get them to a doctor to get a physical to make sure they can participate. 
  2. Get them in shape! Sign up your whole family for a gym membership so your whole family can get fit. The better shape your child is in, the less likely they are to injure themselves while they’re on the court or the field. 
  3. Help them set goals. What do they want to achieve this season? Is there a position on the team they would like to be in? Talk with their coach to see what they need to do to achieve their goals. 
  4. Make sure they have the right gear. Ensure the gear fits your child. Ill-fitting gear can lead to injury if it doesn’t provide the proper protection. 
  5. Sign them up for summer sports or a sports camp. Get your child ahead of the game by signing them up for summer sports or a sports camp. You can even sign them up for sports training activities, such as local XLR8 Athletix at The Sportsplex.  

If your child suffers any sports injuries, get your doctor to refer them to us at HealthCARE Express Physical and Occupational Therapy so we can help them get back on their feet and back out into the game!