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Get To Know Aquatic Therapy

HealthCARE Express Occupational and Physical Therapy clinic is home to one of the two aquatic therapy pools in the Texarkana metropolitan area. At HCE Occupational and Physical Therapy, you can receive great care while recovering and improving your daily activities. Aquatic therapy can help people with many different ailments and injuries recover in a safe and low-impact environment. Aquatic therapy isn’t just some new fad in physical therapy. It’s been around for a very long time! Aquatic...

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5 Tips to Prepare Your Children for School Sports

Have any children involved in school sports? Sports are a great way to help kids stay healthy, make new friends, and teach them about teamwork. If they aren’t properly prepared for the sport, though, they can get injured. Here are five tips to help get them ready for any sport they may want to play this year! Get them to a doctor to get a physical to make sure they can participate.  Get them in shape! Sign up your whole family for a gym membership so your whole family can get fit. The bet...

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6 Lifestyle Tips to Help Reduce Pain

Does the chronic pain caused by an injury make it hard for you to live your life like normal? Here are six lifestyle tips that can help you reduce that pain! Stay Active We know exercise and moving around are the last things you want to do when you’re in pain, but studies have shown that regular physical activity can reduce chronic pain. Strengthening your muscles can help prevent re-injury and further pain. Exercising also releases endorphins which can help block pain signals.    Med...

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Reaching New Milestones in Life and Physical Therapy

One of the best feelings in the world is finally reaching a goal you’ve been striving toward. It’s exhilarating to know you’ve completed something and can move on to the next step. Here at HealthCARE Express Physical and Occupational Therapy, we have milestones in place for our patients to reach. We know how important it is to feel like you’ve accomplished a goal, especially when it comes to your health.  Celebrating these milestones you reach in therapy can motivate you to push forward to a...

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Osteoarthritis Therapy

Cartilage, the same rubbery, fleshy material as your nose and ears, covers the ends of your bones to reduce friction between them. It works as a “shock absorber” to keep pain minimized when the bones push close together. Without it, the tendons and ligaments that connect bones together and keep muscles on the bones begin to stretch and cause pain. In some cases, the cartilage can degenerate completely, leaving bones to rub against each other. This condition is called osteoarthritis.    It i...

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ACL Tears VS ACL Sprains

One of the most common injuries we see here at HealthCARE Express Physical and Occupational Therapy, at least as far as athletes are concerned, is an injured anterior cruciate ligament (ACL). The ACL helps connect the femur and tibia bones together to provide stabilization to your knee. Damaging it can cause severe pain or can even prevent someone from walking due to their knee giving out under their weight.     ACL tears are seen most commonly in athletes but can occur during any type of p...

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Encourage Physical Activity in Children

Kids just don’t go out and play like they used to. The age of technology has led to more and more children staying indoors to do things like watch T.V. or play video games. They start sedentary lifestyles early, and the damage of that lifestyle can impact their health for the rest of their lives. This lack of physical activity is a leading factor in the frighteningly high number of childhood obesity cases in the U.S. In fact, studies show that about 1 in 3 children are overweight or obese in ...

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Ankle Strengthening

Athletes such as gymnasts and cheerleaders are highly susceptible to ankle injuries. The tumbling aspect of both sports highly contributes to the risk of injuring the ankle. All the flips, cartwheels, and jumps they do put a lot of pressure on the ankle joints. These maneuvers require strong ankles in order to propel the body into doing those stunts and landing them safely. Weak joints can result in injuries such as sprains, fractures, or tendonitis. Depending on the severity of the injury, t...

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Concussion Awareness

Did you know that physical therapy can help those who have suffered from a concussion? When many people think about physical therapy, they think of it helping those who tore their ACL or injured their shoulder. Not many think of how physical therapy can aid in recovery from head injuries, such as concussions. Concussions occur frequently in adults and children who participate in full-contact sports or in those who have fallen and suffered a blow to the head. After the blow, the brain is jost...

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Mall Back

Christmas shopping season is in full swing! As you hustle and bustle about stores trying to find the perfect gifts for your loved ones, you may not stop to think of the negative affects arms laden with shopping bags can have on your health.   Carrying heavy loads can overtax your muscles as they try to compensate for the weight of the bags you are carrying. It can also throw your spine out of whack and cause compression and damage muscles in your back. Too keep this from happening, try to d...

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