Encourage Physical Activity in Children

Encourage Physical Activity in C...

Encourage Physical Activity in Children

Kids just don’t go out and play like they used to. The age of technology has led to more and more children staying indoors to do things like watch T.V. or play video games. They start sedentary lifestyles early, and the damage of that lifestyle can impact their health for the rest of their lives. This lack of physical activity is a leading factor in the frighteningly high number of childhood obesity cases in the U.S. In fact, studies show that about 1 in 3 children are overweight or obese in the U.S. Similarly, only 1 in 3 children are physically active every day.

We can sit back and blame video games and T.V., or we can fess up some responsibility. Children do what they see their parents do. So, if you come home after work and plop down on the couch without doing anything to be active, so will they. You play a key role in helping your child become more physically active. 

Not sure where to start? Here are a few things you can do to encourage your kids into getting fit!

You may think P.E. classes or enrolling your child in sports would be enough to make them physically active, but that’s not quite enough. In addition to their P.E. at school, help your child participate in other physical education activities, either in the community or at home. Try signing them up for swimming or dance lessons to help them exercise and strengthen their bodies. You can also sign them up for extracurricular sports to help them get healthy and gain an edge on their sport in school. 

Running about on the playground isn’t enough activity for many children, either. Pay some visits to the park regularly or go on family trips to do activities that will work out the whole family, such as bowling, skating, or swimming.

Sit down with your child and set up a time for them to go out and be active. Go out and walk around your neighborhood together or let them have friends over to play in the yard. In addition, limit their screen time and do some fun physical activities with them. 

You can also make chores like raking and sweeping your child’s responsibility. You can make these chores fun by making a challenge out of it or playing fun, upbeat music while they work.

The best way to encourage your children to be active is to be active yourself! Lead by example and show your children what it’s like to lead a healthy life!