6 Lifestyle Tips to Help Reduce Pain

6 Lifestyle Tips to Help Reduce ...

6 Lifestyle Tips to Help Reduce Pain

Does the chronic pain caused by an injury make it hard for you to live your life like normal? Here are six lifestyle tips that can help you reduce that pain!

  • Stay Active

We know exercise and moving around are the last things you want to do when you’re in pain, but studies have shown that regular physical activity can reduce chronic pain. Strengthening your muscles can help prevent re-injury and further pain. Exercising also releases endorphins which can help block pain signals.   

  • Meditate

Meditation can also help you to cope with chronic pain. Focusing on the present moment can help distract you from pain and keep you from becoming overwhelmed by it all. Deep breathing meditation can help relax your body and relieve stress from your muscles. 

  • Get a Massage

Massages can help relieve chronic pain, as well. Like meditation, a massage can help reduce stress and relieve tension. It’s best for neck and back pain. 

  • Reduce Stress

Stress intensifies chronic pain, so reducing stress and learning how to deal with stress triggers can help alleviate some of that pain. Take time to do activities that can reduce stress. Try yoga, meditation, and listening to music. 

  • Track Pain Levels

Keep a logbook of your pain levels. Any time you feel pain, mark it down and rate your pain. Keep track of what you were doing when you started to hurt. This will give you an idea of what activities you do every day that trigger your pain.  

  • Proper Posture

Maintaining proper posture also aids in reducing pain, especially if your pain is localized in your back. If you sit down for most of the day, doing stretches and sitting up straight can help keep your body limber and strong. 

Try out these six activities and see if they can help you reduce your pain. Get your doctor to refer you to HealthCARE Express Physical and Occupational Therapy to learn more ways to reduce pain.